How to Pull in a Six Figure “Salary” This Year

Why do I believe you can make $2,374 a month? Or even more?

Because that’s how much you would have made by simply putting a flat $1,000 in every one of the special “instant message” plays we told our readers about last year.

It’s that simple. All you do is follow these weekly moves and collect the cash.

But let’s say you wanted to step it up a bit… and put in $5,000 per recommendation.

You then would have banked, on average, $11,870 per month last year. That’s the equivalent of a six-figure “salary” of $142,440 for the year.

And remember, you don’t have to do it by yourself…

We decode the message, send you all the important information and show you exactly how to profit.

So… what exactly are these “instant messages?”

And how can they predict safe returns of hundreds of percents in just a few months… sometimes even weeks?

Here’s the full story…

Why Try to Predict the Market,
When Insiders Can Do it for Us

Most people don’t know this, but it’s perfectly legal for insiders to buy their own company’s stock.

In fact, officers, directors and owners of publicly traded companies can buy and sell as much of their own company’s stock as they want.

After all, why would a high-level exec start or join a public company if they couldn’t share in its success?

There is, however, one catch. And it’s a big one…

They have to post their trade publicly with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) within 48 hours.

Once these big shots reveal their plans to buy up mass quantities of stock, investors usually start piling in over the following weeks and months.

After all, nobody knows the prospects of a company better than the people who run it. So if insiders are buying, it’s probably a good bet the stock is about to go up substantially.

But what we’ve uncovered – and decoded – is the website where these executives first post messages revealing when and where they are buying shares.

We can access these messages the instant they’re posted.

That way, we can get a crack at the biggest returns before any other investors have a clue what is going on…

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